Successful Ways to Integrate Your Work From Home and Family Life
Working from home has its advantages and also its disadvantages. If you work a 9-5 that involves commuting every day in traffic for hours, then you more than likely dream of being able to work from home, and relieve yourself of the current daily stresses.
Take it a step further, as a stay at home mom wanting to build her own business (a.k.a momprenuer) can bring on a whole new set of challenges.
Having the added flexibility to work hard every day building your business online, it is easy to get lost in what you are creating and totally overlook family life.
It doesn’t take much to begin to start feeling overwhelmed and exhausted as your other responsibitlites begin to pile up.
There is still managing the household, the kids, the spouse, the errands, and everything else in between.
Separating your home life from your work life can be extremely difficult and you may not be able to separate the two totally.
In fact, it may be better not to at times. That is not to say that you should conduct research during family time but there are times when combining the two can be helpful.
I dedicate a mandatory two hours per day of computer time, Monday through Friday working on my business and then the rest of the day is dedicated to whatever I have planned for that day.
By forcing myself away from the computer, this allows me the opportunity to gather great content for my blog everyday.
From activites that I do with my son, places as a family we may visit during the week or on the weekend, to trying new receipes.
These are all wonderful additions that I am able to share with my audience.
Working Vacations
We tend to travel several times throughout the year to Alabama to visit family and it is sort of a mini vacation all bundled into one. I still use this time to get a little work done, just because I feel guilty not doing any work at all.
This is also a great way to add more content to your blog. Take advantage of where you are going by writing about the locale. If you can take pictures, even better.
Even if your family vacation does not take you to an exotic or exciting locale, you can usually find something to write about, even if it is only a tour of a local factory.
Was it an awesome vacation? Write about it. Was it a horrible vacation? Write about it.
Being able to work from home opens up opportunities that other people do not have. Take advantage of them.
Perhaps you got a great deal on your vacation or you discover something new about your kids or participated in an activity you’ve never done before.
Even if it’s not your area of writing, writing an article about your vacation experiences can pay off.
Bring Your Personal Experiences to Work
How many opportunities are there that will actually pay you to bring your personal life to work? Most jobs demand that you leave your home life at the door but as a business owner yourself it is just the opposite.
Now, that does not mean that you have to reveal intimate secrets about your family or your personal life but you can write about and make money from everyday experiences in the lives of you and your family.
This is why I believe we as women, as mothers, we are bad ass, because we literally can make something from little or nothing and completely change our family’s lives financially for the better.
Working from home does not always mean work from home, you can be mobile with it too.
Think of all the problems you and your family have encountered and concentrate on the ones you have solved.
How did you do it? Can you teach others to do the same thing?
If this is something you have thought about and need a quick get start guide check out How To Start A Business With Starting A Blog.
If you are a new mom this post Blogs For New Moms: Start One In Any Niche can get some ideas flowing for you.
It really does not matter which dynamics make up your personal life. As a mompreneur, you can incorporate many of these dynamics into your career, earn money, and help others at the same time.