Favicon is short for (favorite icon), and they are the small images next to a website’s URL address, in a bookmark list, or on a browser tab.
For branding purposes having a favicon on your website is important.
So lets jump right into it!
There are a few options that you are able to add a favicon to your website.
You will need to first already have your image saved as a .ico file and typically the size will need to be either 16×16 pixels or 32×32.
Depending on your particular child theme there may be a minimum size that you are able to adjust your image to.
If not, just stick with the 16×16 and you are meeting the standard.
The easiest or simplest way to add a favicon, if the option is currently available is to click on Appearance > Customize.
On the next screen click Site Identity > Change Image.
If your current Genesis Child theme does not offer this option in the Appearance section, you can simply paste this code into your text editor.
Another option for creating a favicon is to first, choose the image for your site’s URL and save it to your computer.
Next, you want to go to the favicon (favicon.cc), and this is where you will upload your image. This site is free and very easy to use.
Once you have the site pulled up, on the left of the screen click “Import Image.”
Click “Browse” under the “Import Image” box and find your image.
This site supports file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, ice, and cur. Once you have selected your image, click “upload.”
Once you once the image is uploaded, you can see to the left of your screen the image and how it will show next to your URL.
The image I have chosen is a blue arrow, but I wanted to add a little more color to it. You have to option to further customize the image to your choosing.
Using the “color picker” to the right I adjusted the color to green and created a green border around the blue.
So once it looks great to your liking go ahead and press the “download” button, to download the image, and save it to file as favicon.ico
Make sure that you are saving it as a .ico file otherwise, your browser will not recognize it.
Next go ahead and pull up your FTP and log in.
I am currently using Filezilla but once you are connected to your host provider this image will go into your wp-content/images-folder.
Once it is uploaded onto the server, just refresh your web page and you should see your new favicon showing in the address bar.
Easier than you thought right?