We have twenty-four hours in a day yet it seems as though there is still not enough time to get everything done as a stay-at-home mom.
Having a plan keeps you on top of your goals and whatever is on your to-do list. I like to keep things simple. If it is too complicated I get unmotivated and unwilling to follow through.
What I have learned over the years is that by keeping things simple, I get more done and I feel better about myself because I was able to complete a task or goal by not making it complicated.
Are you a stay-at-home mom who knows how to make good use of her time?
If not, don’t fret, you can start making improvements today that will have a positive impact on your personal, family, and business life.
Before I became a mom I only used time management for the workplace. I was very organized and structured at work, but home life was never really as put together.
It is kind of embarrassing as I am writing this, but I just want to be transparent.
Also, I had the wrong idea that when I become a full-time mother and no longer have to work somehow amazingly my days will be perfect, stress-free from all of what I have to endure as an employee.
Yeah right! I would like to apologize to ALL the stay-at-home moms for my small-minded way of thinking.
This job is HARD!

There is no off time, no sick time, no “I just want to take a quick nap” time. I work around the clock until my head hits the pillow.
Or at least that is how it sometimes feels.
Get rid of overwhelm as a stay-at-home mom and take back control of your day.
The blessing of it all is that we have the freedom to plan our days and weeks however we choose to best suit us so that we can be our best selves.
And if we are our best version of ourselves that will resonate in all the other aspects of our lives.
So how do we do this, I’m glad you asked.
Tip 1
- Plan, plan, and plan some more. Get a planner if you don’t have one. It doesn’t have to be fancy especially if you are just starting out, the important thing is to just do it.
Think about the month and what you need to accomplish. Break that down by the weeks and then the days. Make sure you know what you are doing tomorrow by planning today or tonight.
Tip 2
- Make better use of your mornings. Wake up an hour before the kids. Put the alarm away from the bed so that when the alarm goes off, you are forced to get up.
It’s hard in the beginning and I know this from experience I had some days where I literally got up, turned the alarm off, and laid back on the bed. Practice makes perfect. Keep doing it as it will become easier and after a while, you will start getting up before the alarm sounds off.
Tip 3
- Sneak a snooze in if possible. If there is a day or days during the week when you are more tired than usual, take a nap when the kiddos nap.
I know sometimes we feel guilty of resting when there is so much stuff we can get done while the kids are napping, but rest is very important, and you will do a much better job of finishing those tasks when your body is fully charged and well rested.
Tip 4
- This tip is probably one of the most important to rid overwhelm as a stay-at-home mom is to, focus on the most important tasks first and don’t get caught up on your to-do list.
Separate the most important tasks that need to get done today and what can be moved tomorrow or done by the end of the week.
Tip 5
- Exercise! Some moms love exercising, however, this momma ain’t one of them. But, I know it is important and I love how my body feels after.
Get your kiddos involved and let them exercise with you at home. It is a great bonding experience and they will have a blast. Get out of the house and do a nice walk in the park. It’s a great stress reliever and a great opportunity to get some much-needed vitamin D.
Tip 6
- Don’t strive for work-life balance. Focus on what you can and let the rest go. Don’t try and strive to be great at everything because it is not possible.
- Love yourself and be present every day. Take time for yourself and do something that will feed your soul.
Making sure that you keep your focus clear can go a long way to keep yourself sane as a stay at home mom.
So how can planning allow us to get the most from our day when there is so much to get done?
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